Thursday, January 9, 2014

Project 4 - Balance and Contrast

In Project 4 - Balance and Contrast, we were required to use various techniques of shooting and editing. We first learned about the different kinds of balance and contrast, such as symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, radial balance, contrast in scale, contrast in texture, contrast in color, and contrast in value. Afterward, we were assigned to take single photos using these techniques, edit, and post are 2-5 favorites. Later, we learned how to make kaleidoscopes using photo shop. Here, we would take a photo, crop it in an interesting manner, then edit and rotate the image to make a kaleidoscope. We would later edit and rotate the image using the different layers on photoshop. Finally, were were assigned to create two diptychs and two triptychs. Diptychs are laid out with two photos of the same or similar subjects. A triptych is the same, but with three photos. These images are my favorites from this project.

Branches Kaleidoscope
Flower Kaleidoscope

Light Bulb Kaleidoscope
Sunflower Kaleidoscope

Mural Kaleidoscope

Symmetrical Balance

Contrast in Texture

Contrast in Size

Contrast in Color

Waterfall Triptych
Sydney Triptych

Sydney Diptych
Lips Diptych