Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Project 8 - Multiple Image Techniques

For Project 8 - Multiple Image Techniques, we were required to take images and use different photo editing processes in Photoshop. The first was a photo using a multiple exposure technique to create movement. For this image, we had to take images of a single subject and either move around the subject, or have the subject move with us staying still. Later, we edited these photos in Photoshop, tinkering with opacity and different screen layers. The second image we had to take was a panorama. For this, we had to shoot multiple photos moving side to side or up and down. The photos were supposed to overlap by about 40% so that we could stitch them together in Photoshop and create one, large image. These images are able to capture much more information than a typical singular picture. Finally, the third photo we had to take was and HDR photo. For this image, we had to take multiple images of the same subject. To make the image HDR, we had to take one photo at the right exposure, two that were underexposed and two that were overexposed. To mess with the exposure, I changed the shutter speed while maintaining the same aperture and ISO. After, I stitched the images together using Photoshop. This gives the image a very Sci-Fi appearance, bringing out little details in the photo.

Multiple Exposures

Panorama - Stitched together in Photoshop.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Project 7 - Alternative Processes Through Digital Means

For Project 7 - Alternative Processes Through Digital Means, we were required to create a cyanotype and daguerreotype using our own images on Photoshop. A cyanotype is an old film process used to produce bluish prints. Here, photographers would paint an emulsion of Ammonium Iron Citrate and Potassium Ferricyanide onto their images to create an image that looked like a watercolor painting or blue print. A Daguerreotype is a photo taken using a Daguerreotype camera. This was one of the first photographic processes ever created. It is well known for the images appearing on grungy metal plates with interesting textures. They are iconic for their metallicity and old world look.

Cyanotype Original

Daguerreotype Original